Blessing or Bain? What Does God Think of Work?

In Genesis 1, Scripture launches us into a magnificent creation story where the Lord fervently works for six days, speaking the cosmos into existence. Finally, on Day Six, a man and woman—the crown of creation—are formed in the Imago Dei (1:27). When Jesus arrives on earth, he continues to labor: “My Father is always at […]

Passion is Overrated: Try This Instead to Find Your Calling

Years ago, I sat across the table at a coffee shop with a new acquaintance. We were waiting for a church service to start and made small talk. Without a warmup, he gushed, “What’s your passion? I was taken back and froze. But he sat there staring at me as if he had just asked […]

From Monks to Mechanics: Does the History of ‘Calling’ Really Matter?

The word “calling” has meant different things to different people throughout history. Is it more than just a calling to God, an official role at church, or your job? In his book, Callings, editor William C. Placher divides the idea of calling and vocation into four epochs in history. The four periods Placher describes include Early […]

Find Your Calling Series: Drop the Key and Take a Risk

Comparably, a sloth was more active in a given week than my time in Sweden several years ago. Relaxing in the park, renting movies, and sleeping until 11:00 am filled my vacation time. I had no imminent responsibilities, no people to phone, and zero emails to send. British Airways had errantly sent my luggage to […]

Find Your Calling Series: Are Calling, Vocation, Mission, and Vision Different?

Before we go any further in this series on calling, I need to correctly define the terms. The words “calling,” “vocation,” “mission,” “vision,” “ministry,” “job,” and “work” can be confusing and almost head-splitting to differentiate. Few have criticized me for shallow writing. Therefore let me keep my reputation for being thorough and pedantic in this […]

Find Your Calling Series: Does God Care What Job You Have?

A slight, young man with striking blue eyes sat near a dimly lit candle in the library. He was in the midst of discovering his calling. Before him lay several pamphlets outlining the massive injustice of his day. Cruelty was rampant in Britain, and God sparked within his heart an inferno of conviction to fight […]

Find Your Calling Series: What Shut Doors Will Open Your Future?

After graduating college, my mom allowed me to live at home rent-free for three months. I spent the summer pondering the future, interviewing for jobs, and hanging out with friends. But by August, I felt listless. Worried. “How will I make a living?” “What job can I get?” What job do I even want? How […]

Find Your Calling Series: What Can You Do to Find Your Calling?

In the film Star Trek: Into Darkness, Captain Kirk is forced to make a snap, gut-level decision to save the lives of his crew and the starship. Time is running out. But the only play at Captain Kirk’s disposal is to make a deal with his prisoner and arch-enemy, Kahn. Kirk’s first officer, Spock, disagrees […]

Get Unstuck From Indecision

There’s no better test for chutzpah than for a young lad to accost a group of cheerleaders on his own. I welcomed the solo challenge but was afraid. My juvenile goal was simple: Infiltrate the sea of pompoms and turn on the charm. My Friday night plans depended on it. But I could see a […]