Category: Faith

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What does actor John Travolta, rapper Jay-Z, and Pastor Creflo Dollar have in common? They are all well-known millionaires and own personal jets. But, apparently, the mega pastor of World Changers Church International and his ministry team need yet another

Exercising faith is pleasing to God. It shows that we believe in Him and what He’s capable of doing, even when we do not see it yet. Faith trusts in the future God-Kingdom and even calls that future into the

by Eric Demeter In one of my favorite movies, The Last Samurai, the character Nathen Aldren is a retired American soldier from the 1800’s, who gets hired to train an army to fight rebel samurai warriors in Japan. He travels

If you love me, obey my commandments. -Jesus We are disobedient people—a lot like Ancient Israel actually. Their theological history forms the basis for ours, but unfortunately, their disobedience does as well. From the Beginning, Humankind was bent on disobeying

Mark Twain is supposed to have said, “It’s not what I don’t know about the Bible that scares me, it’s what I do know 1.” I agree with him. When we ponder stories from the Old Testament of God’s wrath

I Am Hurting My conviction is telling me to write about topics that are truly on my heart. As I blog more, I want discuss what I am learning and problems I am trying to find answers to from a

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My Dating Book
About Eric

Eric specializes in teaching and writing about conflict resolution, dating, and healthy relationships. He has taught church leaders, nonprofit workers, and missionaries in New Zealand, Greece, Hungary, Romania, and the United States. 

Eric earned a B.S. from Purdue University in Interdisciplinary Science and an M.A. from Bethel College in Theological Studies. He also went further training in conflict resolution at the University of Denver and Peacemaker Ministries.

His first book, How Should a Christian Date? It’s Not as Complicated as You Think was released by Moody Publishers in September 2021. He has been a guest on The Boundless Show (Focus on the Family), Moody Radio morning programs, Authentic Intimacy with Dr. Juli Slattery, and Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman.
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