Article, Books
Book: How Should a Christian Date

Book: How Should a Christian Date?

Pitch the Christian dating rulebook out the window. There’s a better way!

God didn’t invent dating, we did. God also gives us a big yard to dating within. There are boundaries–God’s laws–that we shouldn’t violet. At the same time, there is no one right way to date a Christian, just many wrong ones. With the guidance I lay out in the book, you’ll have to decide what way to date works best for you.

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It just offers wisdom about the relevant principles in God’s Word. Eric Demeter—a single guy who has given this subject a lot of thought—separates the truths of Scripture from the baggage of Christian dating subculture. He talks to you like a big brother or favorite uncle, not your mother. You’ll cover topics such as:

  • Busting 12 Myths of Christian Dating
  • How to Meet People & Have a Good First Date
  • Clearing the Fog in Sex and Physical Affection
  • Getting the Best from a Breakup
  • Take Dating One Stage at a Time

There isn’t one “Christian” way to date. But there are ways that Christians should handle themselves while dating . . . and those are the truths to live by.

The book is fresh, funny, and packed full of helpful information. I also promise to make you laugh. But the book not just about what I’ve learned along the way, it’s filled with biblical wisdom and research on relationships.

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*I’ll also send you exclusive dating content that’s not even in the book.

So be blessed and remember to “Be the person you want to be with.”


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    Book: How Should a Christian Date?

    Pitch the Christian dating rulebook out the window. There’s a better way! God didn’t invent dating, we did. God also gives ...
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